• +88–01711-548339,


  • Rajihar Agailjhara,Barisal


Health & Sanitation Project


The Community Based Health and sanitation program one of the important activities rather than other projects of Aloshikha RSD Centre. The project was supported by the SIMAVI the Netherlands since 2007 and still activating in the rural target area. In the late 2007 project was started to promote safe water use and sanitation and hygiene promotion among the rural community. Most important the project has the provisioned in the provisioned in the part of software activities to ensuring child and women rights advocacy program through the cultural show by organizing culture team, the form of village Mother Club and to organizing adolescent groups. According to the project, there are 200 mother club were formed per year (one mother club consists of 30 rural active women) and subsequently as of total 1000, other clubs were formed in the last 5 years. It is estimated that as of total 30,000 thirty thousand rural women are much aware and better informed their right and related other important issues and key message were strongly disseminated by the health facilitator among the rural women community.


In the last five years there have been 180 adolescent groups were formed (one group 20 adolescent girls) and as of total 900 nine hundred groups formed in last five years. It means approximately 18,000 eighteen thousand adolescent girls were better informed their reproductive health and sexual right including other relating issue and key message which disseminated by health facilitator as to their working schedule.


In the light of health sanitation program two part, software program & hardware program, as long as software program specially Aloshikha, training, hygiene, motivation, group formation as a software program and another program, poster, banner, festoon, deep tube-well and latrine distribution as a hardware program. A long term donor of SIMAVI Netherlands 7 years continue supported in this program. Already in these programs 2012 June as a phase out.